


My dream car.......... I kid you not! Its cool, I could take it off roading, its tough looking, has broad tyres, anti rollover bars and it is red........outta the way, make way, make has a siren and it has a hose., don't ask me why I need a hose but its for one of those "in case" situations. What more can a girl ask for!

My husband and I went out for lunch and when we returned to our car we found this parked next to us. I couldn't resist it.
One of my 'regulars' had written an email to me to tell me about a wedding she attended this weekend and in the same hotel at a different function room was another wedding. The bride and groom arrived in...........nope, not a red Rhino! A Ferrari none other. There were other snazzy cars but I bet none of them could come close to this beauty. :D

p.s. - Actually the winds were so strong this afternoon I was holding on to the hand rail of the vehicle to keep from flying away. I kid you not. My shirt and hair were all over the place!

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