


Some time last month I received a request which eventually became a plea from Karen who obviously has a passion for butterflies (check out the card and the wrapper) She wanted me to do a pair of earrings featuring a butterfly I had used a while ago. I had to turn her down because I didn't have anymore of the butterflies and couldn't find the same thing anywhere. Eventually she gave up and purchased a couple herself and then wrote and asked if I could do those up for her. Unknown to her, I did some 'networking' and manged to find exactly the same butterfly she wanted. She was of course overjoyed when I told her that I had found the elusive butterfly. It was to be her birthday present from her dad.
I was happy enough with the email she sent me expressing her joy. I never expect anything more when I do something 'extra' for anybody. Today, I received a total surprise from her.

Karen, this is much appreciated. You have always gone that extra mile to show your appreciation. I treasure that.
Thank you.

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