


I am convinced I have OCD. I'm unpacking some of my findings - silver and goldfilled and I find I have more than 100 pairs of goldfilled and 925 silver earwires and pins and rolls of wire and I have this fear that this is a case of too much is never enough *argggghhh*...... this also got me thinking. I have gemstones that I haven't opened or used yet and I keep getting requests of "where do you get your stones from"............ me thinks that I should tap on my resources and maybe also sell gemstones =D (Plucking petals off one of my gardenias) - Should I, should I not, Should I should I not................ *sigh* Nooooooo............. why kill the goose that's laying me the golden eggs? Me thinks me should just admire my gems silo.


Katherine said...

Hi belinda, remember me? brought an earring from you before.... JILLY.... Ha-Ha!
I really understands what you mean when you says "too much is never enough"... haha...
I have collected many stones for the past years, and I am still collecting..... the joy of owning the stones just makes me happy!No one will understand that kind of feeling unless you are in it.... right?

Belinda Lee said...

Hi Katherine!

You're absolutely right. Its not about how much they're worth or how much you can sell it for but just the sheer pleasure and joy of being surrounded by such beautiful things =D

Wan said...

LOL. All crafters (jewelry or not) have some sort of OCD I am sure! :P

Kamoe said...

Whenever I hear someone shouting having too much beads I wish they would hear me bouncing: ME?? NEVER!!! I full understand your feeling, haha. Even we don't use them, it is nice to look at or hold them in hand :-)))