

MAVIS BL3224-17 S$95 SOLD

I toyed with this piece for a couple of days before finally deciding this morning that this is "it".  I love the colour combination - purple with shades of green and gold.  12mm Jasper beads, handmade clay leaves, deep aubergine silk tassel and a smidge of green in the jade rondell and green agate beads......stunning in reality.

Tassel is encased in a protective wrapper hence the 'stiffness'.

Jasper : 12mm
Leaves: 4.5cm (broadest) x 4cm long
Tassel: 10cm
Jade rondell: 2cm
Agate beads: 15mm x 10mm ovals and 10mm bevelled beads
Vermeil toggle & twisted rondells

Length: Approx. 56cm/46"

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