


These are the same coveted clay lentils I used in YURI. I've called this piece MACHIKO which means fortunate in Japanese because I have been blessed and very fortunate to have met such wonderful friends thru my beading. These 5 lentils were reserved by a person very dear to me. She will give me a tongue lashing when she reads about herself because she is neither boastful nor judgemental. More importantly I have called this fortunate because I have been tardy about getting this ready and have been fortunate that she has been very patient with me. Lovingly guarding these 5 lentils are beautiful sandstone beads in ascending size and on one side I've even graduated the stones to a slightly oval shape. The sandstone has the same irridescent quality as the lentils - bits of gold flecks in an underlying layer. Measuring around 22 " this will sit nicely under her collar and the lentils will stand out nicely at the side towards the bottom and slightly off center.

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